
Facebook Click Through Rate Benchmark

Monthly historical data


Average Facebook Click Through Rate last month

Each month we publish the average Facebook Click Through Rate benchmark based on the hundreds of thousands of Facebook posts from all around the world indexed by Social Status. Data comes from our Profile Analytics tool which enables performance tracking of Facebook Pages.

The average Click Through Rate on Facebook last month was:

How has the Facebook Click Through Rate (CTR) changed over time?

This chart shows the historical Facebook Click Through Rate (CTR) for the past year. As you can see, the monthly average is seldom static so its important to benchmark your performance on Facebook against the monthly average. Use Profile Analytics to benchmark your Facebook Page against the average.

How to calculate Click Through Rate (CTR) on Facebook

Thankfully, CTR is one of the more simpler social metrics to calculate:

Post CTR = Link Clicks divided by Reach

Profile CTR = Average of all Post CTR’s during the given time interval (ie: last month)

It’s important to note that the ‘Link Clicks’ metric is not the same as the ‘All Clicks’ metric. Link Clicks specifically relates to clicks and taps on URLs whereas the All Clicks metric not only contains clicks and taps on URLs but also any other non-URL links. For example: hashtags, page tags and ‘read more’ links.

Facebook itself provides a CTR for Link Clicks AND a CTR for All Clicks and they can be wildly different. While some marketers report on the inflated ‘All Clicks CTR’ we strongly advise against it because not only is it misleading but it can’t be used for cross-channel comparison. And that’s something we love doing here at Social Status! CTR really should reflect the percentage of people who click to visit your website vs all people who saw the post.

What affects the Facebook Click Through Rate (CTR)?

For marketers looking to understand how their CTR is affected – one of the main ways you can directly impact CTR is with the use of a link card. When you paste a URL into Facebook’s post composer, Facebook automatically creates a link card for you and populates the preview image, title and description either from Open Graph Tags or in their absence, just from plain old title and meta description tags.

You can optionally choose to dismiss the link card, or perhaps upload an image or video instead which replaces the link card. If you retain the link card, you may choose to remove the URL from the post text. All of these different decisions will result in the post looking quite different. The way this post appears and what parts of the post are clickable have the biggest impact on CTR.

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