YouTube Growth Rate Benchmark
Monthly historical data

Youtube Benchmarks
Average YouTube Growth Rate last month
Each month we publish the average YouTube Growth Rate (GR) benchmark based on the hundreds of thousands of YouTube Channels from all around the world indexed by Social Status. Data comes from our Profile Analytics tool which enables performance tracking of all YouTube Channels.
The average Growth Rate on YouTube last month was:
How has the YouTube Growth Rate changed over time?
This chart shows the historical monthly YouTube Growth Rate for the past year. As you can see, the monthly average is seldom static so its important to benchmark your performance on YouTube against the monthly average. Use Profile Analytics to benchmark your YouTube Channel and track your subscriber growth monthly.
How to calculate Growth Rate on YouTube
Growth Rate is a simple calculation in the increase (or decrease) between two numbers. In this instance, the number of Subscribers of a YouTube Channel.
Since this is a monthly benchmark (and that most marketers benchmark monthly), the Monthly Growth Rate calculation is the difference between the Channel Subscribers on the first day of the month compared to the last day of the month:
Monthly Growth Rate = (Subscribers on last day of month – Subscribers on first day of month) divided by Subscribers on first day of month.
As an example, let’s say your YouTube Channel had 5,293 Subscribers on March 1 and 5,428 Subscribers on March 31. The Growth Rate for the month of March would be calculated as:
5,428 minus 5,293 = 135
135 divided by 5,293 = 0.02550
0.02550 multiplied by 100 = 2.55%
We multiply by 100 in order to get to a percentage. Growth Rate is usually expressed with 2 decimal places.
What affects the YouTube Growth Rate?
Growth is a tricky thing on every social media channel – especially YouTube! But thankfully, there are some tactics you can use to drive growth if you need to grow your subscribers:
- Run YouTube Ads – YouTube Ads area great way to set in front of new people and potentially increase your subscribers if your content is engaging
- Run a Competition / Giveaway – this won’t be relevant for all organizations but a tried and true method for increasing growth quickly on YouTube is to give something away! People love a competition and you can use the Subscribe button as an entry mechanic for your competition. Just check your local laws as to whether you need a permit to run a game-of-chance giveaway
- Ask viewers to Subscribe – most YouTubers and Creators ask their viewers to subscribe directly in their video. But ensure you give viewers a good reason to subscribe!
- Use the Subscribe Button Annotation – in YouTube Studio, you can overlay the Subscribe button on to your video to visually prompt viewers and push them closer to subscribing
- Use a direct Subscribe link – add “?sub_confirmation=1” to the end of your Channel URL and when you share this link on other social channels or say for example, in email, YouTube will prompt the user to subscribe to your channel when they land on YouTube

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